Is An American Werewolf in London the Best Version of the Wolfman? | So Many Sequels Review

It’s a first-time watch for all of us on So Many Sequels as we tackle the 1981 horror-comedy An American Werewolf in London! Directed by John Landis, this film features one of the most incredible werewolf transformation scenes in cinema history, thanks to legendary makeup effects.
In this episode, we share our thoughts on the balance between horror and campy fun, the movie’s 80s vibes, and why it holds its cult status to this day. Was the transformation scene as amazing as they say? Is the movie still worthy of its reputation? Tune in as we break down all the gory details!
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It’s a first-time watch for all of us on So Many Sequels as we tackle the 1981 horror-comedy An American Werewolf in London! Directed by John Landis, this film features one of the most incredible werewolf transformation scenes in cinema history, thanks to legendary makeup effects. In this episode, we share our thoughts on the balance between horror and campy fun, the movie’s 80s vibes, and why it holds its cult status to this day. Was the transformation scene as amazing as they say? Is the movie still worthy of its reputation? Tune in as we break down all the gory details! Don’t forget to subscribe and hit the bell to stay updated with our #SoManyScares lineup for October!Become a VIP with the So Many Sequels Pod Squad! 🎬 Support us on Patreon and unlock exclusive perks like joining our Discord server. Dive into vibrant movie discussions, TV chat, and share those irresistible memes with us. Plus, we'll send you a personalized thank-you video as a token of our appreciation. We're continually looking for ways to enhance the experience for our supporters. 🎧 Stay in the Loop: Never miss an episode! Subscribe to So Many Sequels on Apple Podcasts and Spotify. For a comprehensive look at our episode lineup, head to our website. 📲 Connect & Share: We're active and engaged on our social media platforms. Link up and let's chat! 📩 Feedback Matters: Got a question or something to share? We wanna hear from you! Shoot us an email at